
You're lucky if they're wearing shoes.

Yep, they stink. Che's girlfriend gave him a piece of soap instead of a greeting kiss when he came back.

I'm a bit down due to unsuccessful sales. Probably it's just not my field and I need to do something else. Like packing presents or programming (oh my god). Communication with real people in the real world just feels terrible.
I also want to go home and I'm happy that I'm going away in a couple of weeks. I miss my old friends and I miss the feeling that I belong somewhere. Everything else makes me angry and I even started to wear headphones around campus again.
This Saturday, I'm going to the Moderator presentation (it's a college magazine about nudity). Most of the photos in the Moderator are taken by me, and I want to walk around in my httpants, drink fake champagne and feel important. But I will also feel superlonely. What's the point?


  1. Asja I love you! I heard nobody sold much stuff at the craft fair. I guess bard students are pretty broke. And I still want to get one of your books! I will miss you around here but if going back to Russia makes you happy then it makes me happy too. We should hang out again before the semester is up. Maybe another pancakes night in Shelov? Or some other sugary excuse for dinner.

  2. Yep, let's make some more pancakes. What about tonight?
