
Where am I on your asshole scale?

какого х ты целишься мне в лицо
какого х ты смотришь мне в глаза
посмотри на то что мы натворили

это не я, это мой лирический герой


  1. Can you tell me your name? It's difficult for me to discuss improvements with a person who I don't know. By now I think you're a fat troll. But probably you could be more constructive and tell me how I can make my comic better without insulting me.

  2. Anonymous8/12/09 15:26

    I don't think my name is important part of our conversation. But if you like to name everything around... Just give it to me. If I like it, I'll take it.
    btw, you're wrong. I'm not a troll.

    and sorry for the delay. I took a few holidays and was completely offline.

  3. Can I call you Cupcake?
    If you're not a troll, why did you start our conversation with insults? Smart people don't do that. They do homework.

  4. Anonymous8/12/09 19:24

    hm... no. No nickname but name. Suggest few real names.
    First, it's Net, luv.
    Second, only trolls start conversation with some... "weak-insulting words"?
    And what bloody homework? Ok, maybe some smart people do their homework. But there're other smart people, and they can do everything cuz they don't have any homework to do.

  5. Indeed this is Net. Like, when I see a post I don't like, I just pass by and leave no comments. I prefer spending my time on some other, better stuff than leaving negative comments to entries I don't like.
    Now let me make a random guess. If your real name is Arsenik, I thought you were smarter.
    I also suggest Virgil, Martin and Brian.

  6. This bloody political correctness is crap. When you see smth you don't like, when you can (or/and allowed) to say it - just do it if you want it.
    So I did. Yes, it was in kinda crappy way. Sorry for that.
    And I don't know about you, but I get some positive feelings from our conversation.
    Now about the name. It is no need to guess cuz we've never met in real life.
    I take Martin.

  7. Actually it's nice for me to talk to you, too. By the way, your last name is Lopez because Martin Lopez is one of my favorite drummers.
    Where are you from? If you're from the East Coast, I would ask you out for a cup of coffee during winter break.
