
Self-sacrifice for the sake of cute geeks

Just a friendly reminder:
This Sunday I am selling comic books at the crafts fair in the campus center. Come and enjoy! Oh, and bring me some cookies - I'm going to be hungry.
See you on Monday!


The power of geekiness

not my situation, don't worry.



Why does this guy on the left look like one of my ex-boyfriends?


Math groupies week!

I'm in Westchester, NY working on my winter photoalbum that is also going to be on sale this Sunday.
People who hallucinated tend to talk a lot because words are the only means to relive and engrave the experience in one's memory - when we're in that state, we've got no cameras, no sound as well as smell or taste recorders etc.



Yep. These are ponies pooping with butterflies.
Check out the new header of my blog! It's supercute, isn't it?


Vegetable attack

I went on a diet and ate vegetables and fruit for two days because I ate too many pieces of pound cake on Sunday and my tummy hurt. Tuesday night was horrible - every ten minutes I complained how I want candy.
I'm currently listening to Fredrik Thordendal's demo tracks that I found on Youtube. They are great.


There are forty of them.

The Nyashka books are going to be on sale on the 2nd of May.


More about Alisa

Last weekend Alisa read my blog and exclaimed: "I've already seen all these! Do you have any more?" I showed her Natalie Dee's website. She was totally happy with it - simple pictures with mean captions were just what she needed.
Then she decided to draw some fan art:

P. S. It was not scat singing.


Thanks, I'd better spend my night with paints, chocolate and a vibrator.

I never understood people who went to parties they didn't like. If they don't care about the party but just want to get wasted and hook up with someone, they must have problems.
Drinking is only a temporary solution. I don't get drunk any more because I realized that being sober is more fun - you notice more things. Alcohol will just numb the pain but one will never get rid of it by suppressing it. If you drink to dissolve the awkwardness, you will never beat it. Probably you just hang out with the wrong people, people that you have nothing in common with.
The most ridiculous thing in Bard are parties that are announced as "sexy". There is awkwardness in the air - it seems that everybody is waiting for a starting signal for sexual action and doesn't really know what to do.
One-night-stands never worked for me because I need to know the person. Sex for me is more than a mechanical act. I wouldn't like to be used as a means to an end, and I try not to use other people, either. If it happens, I feel bad for myself and for them.
I can dance in my room alone, getting the same result but not having a withdrawal later. Yes, this is an angry entry. I wonder why people still think I'm cool.

P. S. Funny hair colors OK


Prepare yourself!

My last weekend was not so good and I was waiting for the next one to be even worse. So I drew this. Somehow I associate all the unpleasant emotions with dismembering. Probably not only I do.
So far everything is okay, I am working on my merchandise (hohoho), listening to dubstep radio on di.fm and feeling alright. See you on Monday!


Spring Fling!

"Spring Fling" is a crafts fair that is going to happen in Bard College on Sunday, May 2nd, 12 to 5 pm on the Campus Center Quad.
Guess what I'm going to sell there... Comic books, of course!

I'm making some cute little Nyashka books! You'll have an opportunity to look at old (and more authentic) Nyashka pictures on paper. I think it's a great idea to publish the old ones because they are a very important part of my life in U.S. and reflected a lot of stuff that I experienced.

I'm also going to have some photo albums of mine, some T-shirts and postcards at my table. Come and enjoy! :)


La Jolla, CA

I'll never go there again.
I really like the eye on the background.

My mom sent me an invitation to a very interesting conference in India. But the deadline is April 25! I'm not sure if I can write a full-fledged and interesting text until then, especially that I'm in the process of making 2 small book editions, several T-shirts and a certain amount of postcards. It's just too bad.


My bangs are gross

It was my brother's manicure scissors.
Good morning everyone.


Paper waste time!

Hey! It's Monday and I'm back!


Too practical

Somebody said I was too practical. I never thought of myself as a practical person because I mostly produce ideas that have little connection to reality. A friend of mine told me that I lived up in the clouds. It was insulting to me (somehow I always have a couple of bad friends) because, you know, it's not very pleasant to feel useless. And now it happened - somebody called me "practical" and said that I had "strict values" or something. I was like, "yay, I'm finally among those who actually do stuff". Now I can sit around and wait until someone calls me an influential artist.


Socialists gone WILD

Lenin, Bakunin, Bernstein, Marx.




Hey! It's not fair!

Classes. They give me a headache.
And here's a comic in watercolor!


Enjoy the coloring!

I'm lazy.




Everything changes

 No offense, dear metalheads. Even those things that are not supposed to change will change eventually. Mwahahahaha.