so...erm..hi, this is
,waterfeel (link for vkontakte users) and we're still playing good music. )) tomorrow we'll try another vocalist. we're making a sort of 'casting', and i was so fucked up with the previous guy that i was thinking of a big chainsaw covered in blood full three days after the rehearsal.
i'm bored of the songs that are playing in my head. the album is called 'awake', 1994. fuck dream theater.
i'm trying to think of a huge ideology a-la 'Star Wars'. and i've already drawn the All-Consuming Evil (1), its servants (2), the embodiment of Good (3), and three Neutral characters (4)*. Maybe I'll call this thing 'The Skulls Tale'. =)
*(1) The Almighty Evil is represented by a huge carnivore amoeba named
Mother of All Mankind (a Russian abbrevition - MVC). It's just sitting on its throne or consuming everything it sees, for example, (3). MVC is in charge of all the mankind's idiotism and monotony. It can be beaten only by means of a computer that's hidden inside it. As MVC is unicellular, it's unbreakable and eternal, so the computer is unaccessible.
(2) The servants of
MVC are called the
Foscysts (фошыстыъ). It's a family of three goat-like creatures, obviously re-drawn from Hell Clan (monsters from Diablo II). They are those who slew (3) before it even was born. The Foscysts just thought that (3) was of a wrong race that shouldn't exist in the world.
(3) All the 'Good' might is concentrated in a strange cephalopodic creature called Filth the Nonexisting. It's very shy and is afraid of speaking. Filth is always depressed because od its nonexistence. The matter is that it was killed by Foscysts before it was ever born, and then MVC consumed it for means of precaution. Filth doesn't exist, but still it speaks, it tries to move on its one leg, and it always prays to God and complains of being 'dooooooomed!!!'. Actually, the Good is not Filth itself but a tamagochi that's hiding in his brainbox. Nobody has ever seen it, as nobody has ever seen Filth. And don't forget: if the tamagochi wins, every human will be striked by a strange disease, and we will all degrade into unicellular, simple creatures.
(4) As usual, the Neutral side is represented by Upfly and Dethfly (who grew up in the same test-tube), and their best friend and talisman Herbert (who is, actually, just a skull).
// Pictures will follow just when I get to a scanner.